IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns Chalice Lap Support Bowls group photo
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of American Cherry with Lapis Lazuli Stone Inlay #2078
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of American Walnut with Lapis Lazuli Stone Inlay #2077
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of Cypress with Malachite Stone Inlay #2060
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of Dark Poplar with Decorative Rings #2066
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of American Walnut with Decorative Rings #2065
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of Beech #2058
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of American Cherry #1922
IxCHeL Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl made of Cypress #2064
IxCHEl Fibre & Yarns LotBD Chalice Lap Support Bowl #1923 Beech Shaft & Purple Heart Bowl with Decorative Burnt Rings

Chalice Lap Spindle Bowl

Regular price $78.00 $0.00 Unit price per

Chalice Lap Spindle Bowls

These hand turned chalice lap bowls can help you in your spindling journey making support spindling extra easy and comfortable: sit down, place the chalice lap bowl securely between your legs and start support spindling. 
Every chalice lap bowl is unique and can have beautiful stone inlay or natural features, even some pyro graphic images or lettering to match your support spindle. 

Can’t find your dream chalice lap bowl or need a special text added or a stone inlay? Ask for a custom order! Always Happy to Enable, Contact Us.

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