All you need is Love

Handspun qiviut yarn
It’s been another crazy week filled with heaps of dyeing, blending, organising, mean pyrographing spindles 😜 and so, so much more! Since theer was so much to do, I OFCOURSE  left it too late to put a lot of effort and time into writing this blog….I know…bad, bad bunny. Lol

I also wanted to dye my hair….but since I’m flapping about all over the place like my usual adhd high functioning self…I cannot seem to find the time to sit myself down into one spot for hours trying to wrangle bleach (yes dears, I need to bleach my hair (coz somewhere underneath I am a dark brown haired person with fabulous streaks a la bride of Frankenstein grey popping through I am At least I think I am, I haven’t been my natural colour since high school…rofl) and then quietly sit for another few hours with dye on my hair trying not to splash every where…it’s Friday…it was delusional of me to think I was ever going to get that to happen.  I am however pretty proud of myself that I gave myself a hair cut…it was about a year since my last hair cut which was a pixie short cut which I absolutely loved, but since my usual hairdresser fabulous person has closed shop, I haven’t felt comfortable going anywhere else…so, I thought “why not cut it myself”…now, as you may realise, it was not an organised cut….more like a “look in the mirror, see what hair stick out in a disorganised manner, grab it quickly and …cut it off….lol.  See me as  “Charly Scissorhands” 🤣

Charly scissorhands

Anyway, I think it looks pretty good…now I just need to get calm enough to attack it with bleach and hair dye🤣 I’m going green (hopefully…🤣 not black)

I had a lot of fun dyeing some amazing silk ribbon as well so they are new to the shop tonight as well! Brilliant for embellishments, crochet, weaving and knitting! 

Silk ribbon hand dyed yarn

What else? Oh yessssss: pyrography! I have pyro’ed some fabulous lotus phang spindles Paul aka Lair of the  Bearded Dragon has turned beautifully, so they’ll be in the shop as well. Particularly proud of the LOVE phang with silver backed Garnets!

Pyrographing the love spindle

Garnet inlaid spindleYes, it happens a lot when I start drawing or designing something and then mid way, I go off in a tangent and think “I’ve got some semi precious stones I found a while back…they would be AMAZING in that spindle….and so, there goes another half day of my life trying to figure out how to incorporate jewels into wood knowing light needs to be reflected off the back so you can actually see the colour…yes, physics, light refraction combined with wood turning, craft and invention…and then I can hear you ask me with big roaring laughter “you complain about not having  enough time To do ALL THE THINGS?!”🤣

so yeah…busy…and I haven’t even told you about the handspun yarns! Not to worry: you can find them in the what’s new section in the shop today as well: QIVIUT BLEND YARNS !

Don’t forget: sign ups for the fourth quarter of IxCHeL art journey fibre, yarn and batt clubs are open! 

well, I better get going again… before I start to lose time by thinking of another gazillion things to start!

I wish you a fabulously fun weekend !

big hugs




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