News — spindles
Lilac Blooms and Deluges
handdyed handdyedfiber handdyedfibre ixchel spindles spinning spinningyarn supportspindling

it certainly was a Halloween to remember! It seems like so long ago already with all that has been happening here in the valley: storms, power outages, no internet and now no phone coverage (telstra is still not on top of their sh8tstorm apparently) and rain, rain and more rain.l So much rain that the Yarra River had broken its banks, the little Yarra River close to us had as well and there was even so much deluge that the storm drains could not cope. No where to go the water thought "why not park here?" and started to inundate...
Yakkity Yak !
halloween spindles spinning yak

Whaddoyaknow: it’s almost Halloween! I have to say, it’s always a bit like Halloween here, but the last few days have been really a bit scary…lol It has been raining and raining and raining , so much that last night apparently there was a car floating (as in not driving but FLOATING) in the Yarra Junction car park. The little Yarra River has broken its banks…again, the back paddock is water logged or under water, everything is extremely soggy and muddy BUT the good news is, only our verandah roof is leaking and the house is not flooded , which...