It’s a fluffy universe

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Giant turtle carrying a braid of hand dyed top in the universe

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell)  once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"

What if it is fluff all the way up and down? Well, it is has been for me for  as long as I can remember really and this week in particular.

Not only was there a lot of prepping and dyeing for this weeks update (more on that later) but there were also about a hundred kilo of various fibres to process, prepare and blend. I am VERY excited about this because there is new Romanov, a very fantastic new Viva Frida with agave cactus, Guanaco and a very, very exciting two new blends I have been working on behind the scenes…safe to say, I am absolutely knackered…lol I could do with a nice relaxing holiday and some sunshine.

im at this point that I can’t sleep at all anymore, because for some reason or another my pelvis decided that it doesn’t want to belong inside my body anymore..I guess I need to stay put, relax and get some rest and relaxation at hey say. Too bad my brain doesn’t agree, so I am going to try and strengthen my core and muscles and walk more…less time to work in the dye room and blending , but..more time to forage 😜

Sir Bear the super fluffy angora bunny relaxing(sir Bear II, relaxing on the verandah)

Fir this weeks update I have prepared something extra, EXTRA special: Bunny Bison Bliss tops! Newly, freshly blended and upgraded. There is a lot of science and mathematical precision in how to match what I have in my mind what would I to create as an easy to spin top. This means that you. It only have to prepare the fibres very, very well and calculate how much you can blend all the fibres together. You have to remember that the more you blend, the more there is a chance to create nepps. Whatever you do, you do NOT want nepps. Nepps are like torn off little ends of fibre. The finer the fibre the more teh chance you can damage it by over processing, so it is a very, very fine line.

I am extremely proud to offer you this new version if the IxCHeL Bunny Bison Bliss tops and new colourways as well.

You can find them all in the what’s new section on the IxCHeL shop here :

and that is not all! I also have awesome mulberry silk tops: silk is not for the faint hearted they say: not only to spin because the staple length is so long but also to dye the silk fibres. It is sooooo worth it though! Mulberry silk is sooooo shiny and works exceptionally well to use spin super fine or to use to ply your woollen yarns with or to weave with, or, why not use it to knit or crochet something exquisite!

Also, time to reveal the July club!! Here they are !

and then there is the reveal of the August club and here it is : Laura Knight with her “fine feathers” painting from 1939. I have found a fab video about her so keep an eye out on my socials because I will post it on there as well. Laura Knight is totally inspiring: in 1936 she became only the second women to be awarded full membership of the Royal Academy, she was a known war artist on the front lines in ww2 and painted the Nuremberg trials after ww2; interested in the Romani people and people on the fringe of society. I mean, she “ran away” with the circus when she was in her fifties to capture their world in her paintings. 

August art journey club teaser label Laura knight, fine feathers painting


Sign ups are open for the next quarter btw, so if you do not want to miss out on going on a fab art journey adventure: go and sign up for. The fibre, yarn or yarn club.

Please let me know if you have any questions okay? Always happy to enable.


Have a fabulous weekend and have a great time creating lots of fun !

big hugs


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