Fluffy Surprises !

white angora bunny with van Gogh starry night back drop
It has been a super busy week again so nothing new ...lol
It keeps on being a SURPRISE to me that in my head I have so much on my to do list that i THINK i can get done over a weeks time, and then reality sets in and I only get half of it done...lol
Time..what a brilliant invention....
Let me explain something to you to show you the truly I get myself in : This week I have been doing almost nothing else during the day than dyeing all the club fibres and yarns..while in the evenings doing custom spinning. I did manage to dye some extra Gothic tops in the Dark Secret Colourway but I REAY needed to get more done. During a week that the clubs need to be dyed and dried, that is really physically impossible but hey, I can dream cant I? The week before was all filled with prepping and carding everything for the clubs so you see where I am going do you? It means that two weeks out of every month I am doing clubs and not really able to dye or blend anything for updates! That in a nutshell is my conundrum, because in my mind I WANT to offer you something new every single week.  I am trying very hard and one day, one brilliant and fantastical day in the future, I am sure I can get all the planets aligned just right and get there...lol
This week its a week filled with surprises : 
Surprise blind dates in fibre OR yarn or hey! why not both ?


See it as a Romantic fluffy date !

You can choose a fibre or yarn surprise PLUS you get a little gift too ! That's like a date showing up with a nice bottle of wine or flowers ! Click below and choose your partner :

Blind Date for Fibre Lovers

Blind Date for Fibre Lovers



Talking about surprises: you can sign up for the IxCHeL Art Journey Clubs July, August, September, by clicking on the link below!

It's THE best way to receive a surprise parcel every month together with a little gift, an info sheet about the artist and artwork inspiring the colourway and a hand dyed batt, yarn or fibre top.

If you'd like to join more than one club, contact me to save on postage !

AND, talking about postage: All club members receive FREE SHIPPING for all the products they purchase ! How good is that ?!

 Sign ups for the next cubs starting in July are open for just a few more weeks so this is your chance !  Click here to go straight to the third quarter Club sign ups 

and here is the teaser label of the June clubs with the amazing artist Mirka Mora "the white rabbit and family" artwork as the inspiration. 

All the June clubs are now dyed and will be shipped out next wednesday ! Exciting !

and: here are the photos of the May clubs:


There is always something happening here at the IxCHel Fibre farm ! For next week I have a mountain of exciting projects on the go! I am not saying what yet, so I guess it's another SURPRISE ! 

Have an amazing weekend with heaps of crafty fun ! I cant wait to show you what I have been up to next week !

Big hugs



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