Welcome to October: The spooky Season !!! and my favourite season by far !
To start the first blog and shop update of this spooky season I thought it would be great to do spooky stuff..well, more or less…lol
So Paul, has been very busy in his shed creating some pretty fabulous lotus phangs and wrist distaffs ! If you would like some specially pyro'ed just for you: please do not hesitate to drop us a line ! We LOVE to do custom orders!

Me? I have been dyeing some super sparkly and lustrous fire star, also known as trilobal nylon and it is absolutely fantastic to blend in with other fibres or you can even spin it on its won or felt with it !
Then there are some Haunted ghost sock knit kits available as well and glow in the dark yarn !
PLUS, as if that is not enough some restock of Peace and Sunflower Flower Power tops. It's been a busy week here again at Maison IxCHeL …lol
What was also pretty exciting this week is that Inktober has started again. If you have no idea what that is: please go and check it out on instagram and check out @inktober.
Just like last year, I am trying to draw and ink and paint something every day. Last year I was right on the ball every day but this year has already proven to be very difficult to keep it up…lol
The secret is not to give up even if you miss a day..but try and catch up…
Also, as with everything: you can try to be perfect but it is not a must !
Next blog I will let you know a bit more of what I have been up to.
As usual I am running out of time to get this blog done as usual..
"Oh how can I possibly improve my timing ?” I ask myself. Or, maybe, just maybe, I love deadlines as they woosh by , just like my hero Mr Adams wrote.

(Fire star label with a design I finished last year
for an inktober challenge)
Let's have lots of fun in October ! I would loooove to see your spooky creations ! So, please share them on social media and don't forget to tag @ixchelbunny !
Big hugs,