Luck to us all

Happy st patricks day handknitters tweed yarn lace jumper and Dealgan spindles


A very lucky and happy St. Patrick’s day to all of you. Irish or’s a good thing to have some luck or, as the Irish say, “Luck is believing you’re lucky” 🍀

Talking about luck, we were very lucky indeed. There was some planned back burning just over the road from us..let me say, VERY close to us this week. See photos here.

It was pretty darn close!!! I still get anxious seeing fire start up in the forest just across the road, even if it is supposed to be a “ controlled burn”. Memories of the Black Friday fires where so many people died are still very fresh in my mind. So, I stayed up all night keeping an eye out together with the people of the fire brigade you see in the photos there. It was controlled, there was no wind to speak of and there were a lot of sighs of relief once it started raining a day later. 
I understand the principle of back burning to create less risk for any fast moving fires, but that does not make it less scary.

It did mean that my work schedule was highly impacted. Not because I was staying up or keeping an eye out…lol, but because where there is fire like that, there is a lot and I mean a LOT of smoke !

I had heaps of fibres for this update that needed to get dry and I'm always drying outside when the weather is nice. The weather was extremely nice but, unfortunately for me, the air was also filled with smoke and carbon particles from the shrubs and undergrowth that was being burnt. No way I could leave anything outside, unless I wanted to sell my hand dyed tops with added Smokey barbecue smell and an added burnt leaf here and there! So yeah, my planning went out the window…sorry to say.

Buuuutt, you are dealing with a person who also always has a plan B, C and D so for today I can offer you a super special on the Irish inspired tweed yarn not to be missed with 25% discount just for this weekend! And some amazing NEW variegated cotton yarn that is super soft and awesome to knit, crochet and weave with !

Paul made some out of this world fantastic spindle bowls but I made the mistake to put them on an Instagram post and I can tell you now that all of them sold without them ever even sniffing the website from afar. Not only that, the props I used to make the photos with the bowls also were highly desired…lol  so, safe to say, Paul  and myself are feeling very fortunate and lucky to have so many people who are showing us so much support and love ! Also, I really need to start fossicking, polishing and finding some more minerals !!!

How about this magnificent malachite ! with cerussite from Rum Jungle in the Northern territories! 

A heart AND ITS GREEN 🍀 talk about lucky 🍀 

Also, the March art journey clubs have all been shipped out this morning! It was a huge task to get everything ready and packed in time but so worth it. I love the look of the tops, fibres and yarns. And just to let you know without giving too much away….this is a photo of the first dye process of the yarn club…after that there were two more stages of glazing!  Here is a photo of stage 1

And this was the art work by Berthe Morisot that inspired it.

Keep an eye out on my social media in the next two weeks: More will be revealed 🍀

sign ups are open until April 1st btw on the website if you would like to join the fun! There are still batt club, fibre club and yarn club spaces left.

Well, I was going to write this blog much sooner, but as usual time got away from me…again…lolol and here I am five to 8pm…when am I ever going to learn not to leave things till the last minute?!!?

Wishing you all a very happy and lucky weekend 🍀🐰🍀

big hugs


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