Sparkles, Unicorns & Tutus

handdyed handdyedfibre ixchel spinning spinningyarn

Hand dyed top in bright greens and pinks with a model wearing a tutu standing on it

This is only the second blog of 2023 and somehow it feels like I am already six months in 🤣 lolol

Maybe that feeling has everything to do with the fact that I have dyed a HUGE amount of different blends and yarns already, which are waiting to joint future updates and this one ! I did some calculations and I have already dyed and blended about 50kilos not counting all  the batts. I was wondering why my sides and back hurt so much from all the heavy lifting of wet fluff and yarn but now I know! Lol

So, it has been a busy week again as usual but I did take a day off on Monday to celebrate our anniversary and we did by visiting Healesville Sanctuary! It was a magical day topped off by Paul being serenaded by a lyrebird! It was truly amazing !! Haven’t had a chance to edit the video Paul took but if I get around to it I will post it on Instagram and Facebook for all you bird lovers out there. 

Lyrebird looking at Paul who sits in front of it
The day after it was straight back to work, because lots of carding and blending had to be done. Never a dull moment here I can tell you that!

I have run out of time to organise all the information on the website for the new club sign ups starting in April,May and June, but they will be added over the weekend. In between all the physical work I tend to lose track of the tech stuff that needs to be done in the back ground on the website and there are simply not enough hours in the day to do everything. I try but I fail to do everything I want to do or what is on my list on a daily basis. But hey, better to try and fail than not try at all I always say.

I can show you the January club photos. The January club was shipped out earlier this month so I can show the colours off to all of you now. Here they are: 

January batt club photos

January club photos

Trying to do justice to the fabulous artwork of Maria van Oosterwijck was quite challenging, but I hope everybody loved their club parcels.

I always try and combine the canvas or the base of the fibres used for each club to the art work as well as the pigments and colours used. Even the dye technique makes a difference.

I will show a teaser about what the February club will look like next week. 

It has been about two years since I have done an update with my Rapunzel blend top ! So, I thought it was about time to add some gold bling to January ✨ The Rapunzel tops are a blend of 17 micron super fine merino with mulberry silk, with amazingly luxurious cashmere and fine gold stellina. There’s just enough gold blended in to notice the sparkle. I did put a video up on my Instagram feed (where you can find me as @ixchelbunny , please do follow me if you like to keep up to date with what I am up to 😉). You can see the delicate sparkle and gold when moving around, but it is definitely not over the top.   
There are a few new colourways available and safe to say I am totally in love with those bright greens and gorgeous pinks together, which I called “gimme my tutu”… I love petticoats and tutus! It’s like “instant happy”. I’d love to know which colourway makes you smile so please let me know!

You can find the new Rapunzel blend tops right here on the website: or visit the home page and look for Rapunzel in the luxury fibre tops section.

I would like to ask you a big, big favour to please share what you make with your IxCHeL yarns or fibres on your social media and tag me using the hashtags #ixchelbunny #ixchelfibre #ixchelyarn or even #ixchelyarnsandfibres   I looooove to see what everybody is making and I know there are lots of others out there that would love to see too! Plus, it makes a huge difference to us very small producers and makers. Word of mouth means a lot to keep us going.

There’s another big week ahead for me : heaps of dyeing of the February clubs and updates plus a mountain of handspinning! All our angora yarns and rare breed yarns are handspun by me and I need lots to be ready by the next Handknitters guild show on the 13th and 14th of May at the Coburg Town Hall. Please put the date in your calendar: it is going to be an AMAZING weekend of enabling !

Much more news to come next week!  February is ALL about Rare Sheep ! It’s going to be super exciting ♥️

Have lots of fun spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting and felting! Do what you love and do it often ♥️

big hugs



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