Put a Pearl in your Spinning
A Beautiful Australian Sheep Breed for Ewe
Happy Friday everybody ! and a big thank you all for being here and reading my blog. Another week has flown by and I was lucky this time there were a few days of good frying weather so I can offer you something new ! This time, and I cannot believe I am saying this (bows head in shame) it is a quintessential Australian sheep breed I have never ever offered before in all the time I have been selling my hand dyed tops and yarn since 2004 : Polwarth ! I just love this beautiful sheep breed because it...
Luck to us all
A very lucky and happy St. Patrick’s day to all of you. Irish or’s a good thing to have some luck or, as the Irish say, “Luck is believing you’re lucky” 🍀 Talking about luck, we were very lucky indeed. There was some planned back burning just over the road from us..let me say, VERY close to us this week. See photos here. It was pretty darn close!!! I still get anxious seeing fire start up in the forest just across the road, even if it is supposed to be a “ controlled burn”. Memories of the Black...
Do what you Love and do it often
Time travelling while spinning yarn ! It is all possible and you do not even need a Tardis !
Viva La Frida ! Or, never a dull moment here!
Never a dull moment here ! I will start with the fend, just like the Irish love to do I heard…start a book and skip to the last page to see how it ends,you know, just in case…lolol. Anyhoo, the power went out just as I was photographing my tops for tonight’s update…lighting..gone! And five minutes after the power went out the main Telstar tower decided to give up the ghost as well because apparently Telstra doesn’t believe in back up batteries…. Thankfully, WE have back up plans since last time this scenario was on, so we have invested in...