
Time to HOP on your wheel !

Time to HOP on your wheel !

Hop on your wheel and join Team IxCHeL for the Tour de Fleece!

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Fluffy Surprises !

Fluffy Surprises !

It has been a super busy week again so nothing new It keeps on being a SURPRISE to me that in my head I have so much on my to do list that i THINK i can get done over a weeks time, and then reality sets in and I only get half of it Time..what a brilliant invention.... Let me explain something to you to show you the truly I get myself in : This week I have been doing almost nothing else during the day than dyeing all the club fibres and yarns..while in the evenings...

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A new colourful sheep blend adventure!

A new colourful sheep blend adventure!

These Romanov sheep from Ukraine are so special: beautifully soft undercoat and the colours are fabulous to overdye too! All the different hues create a wonderful depth of colour. Check all the new tops out now on the IxCHeL shop.

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Let’s spin some Magic!

Let’s spin some Magic!

Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand to create more time..the days have just flown by and I hardly had time to do anything else but prepping, dyeing, spinning and feeding Bob…yes, Bob: I decided to start on my sourdough starter and bread making journey after the handknitters guild show and named my starter Bob…lol. I know I am super late to the party of sourdough bread making and I don’t really know what I am doing, but the starter …sorry I mean Bob…looks bubbly and happy so I think I’m going to try my hand at making a...

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Curiouser and curiouser

Curiouser and curiouser

“We’re all mad here”, The Cheshire Cat says to Alice in one of the most concise descriptions of the strange world down the rabbit hole. Unlike the world Alice left behind, "mad" isn't necessarily a bad thing. Here (and as you're reading), you should embrace a side of you that is quirky and unpredictable, and maybe when you get back to reality, you'll want to take a little of that with you. And, that’s just what I do all day, every day.Writing Alice in Wonderland, one of my favourite literary works in the world, even Lewis Carroll could not have...

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