
Magical new sheep blend adventures

Magical new sheep blend adventures

  Happy Friday ! The last Friday of August! Can you imagine!?! This year is flying by at lightning speed! This week has been super busy here! Thankfully I am almost over the remnants of the flu that have been haunting me for the last three weeks! For two weeks I could hardly do anything, definitely not dyeing and standing over dye pots all day like I am used to, which put a huge pressure on me because the august clubs had to be sent out! A bit of a delay there for that reason, but I am happy to...

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A Yarn Extravaganza!

A Yarn Extravaganza!

Sock yarn knitting just got a whole lot more exciting with this amazing Yarn Sale Extravaganza !

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The universe and everything

The universe and everything

A universe of fluffy fibres , freshly hand dyed plus what’s been going on in ixchel bunny world

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Smile ! Babydolls are here!

Smile ! Babydolls are here!

A new blend adventure is here: Babydoll Southdown with blue faced leicester, Tencel and mulberry silk ! It’s so exciting it’s sure to put a permanent smile on your face. Just wait til you touch it !

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It’s a fluffy universe

handdyed handdyedfiber handdyedfibre ixchel spinning spinningyarn

It’s a fluffy universe

A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell)  once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the centre of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're...

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