Busy Bunny Elves


December is always a super busy month for us and doing a twelve days of Christmas fundraiser event just adds a totally extra dimension to everything! Organising, braiding, labelling, Christmas paper packaging, not to mention hopping to the post office at warp speed every day with a load of special parcels.  I could not do this without Paul ! While I do the organising of what is going to be offered on which day and make sure it is ready so there’s no mad scramble or panic…lol, Paul is doing an absolutely amazing job parceling everything up, writing emails for customers who have questions shipping wise, checks the payments and does all the fabulous organising of the stash parcels as well. The whole studio is starting to look not only like Santa’s workshop but it is filling up with a mountain of parcels waiting to ship out. Having the website up is definitely helping because so much is automated, but there is still so, so much that needs to be done of course. I think after the twelve days of Christmas, the Friday updates and all the custom orders have been shipped next week, we both will need two weeks of sleep 🤣

There is definitely no rest yet for us though : today’s update is rearing to go up at 8pm AEDT and there are THREE more 12days of Christmas event coming! To say it’s busy would be an understatement 🤣

I hope you can join me at 8pm when the new smoochy restock update of a  rare sheep breed blend will go live on the IxCHeL website (you can find that in the what’s new section here : https://ixchel.com.au/collections/whats-new 

The rare sheep breed is the cute Soay sheep in the exclusive IxCHeL outlander blend. To read all about the rare sheep breed you can go to my blog of September 23rd here on the website.

But wait! There’s more !

All the December clubs were shipped out end of November so now it is time to show you the clubs!

This being the December club was the last one of the year and the subscription, so if you were a member of the October, November, December club, please go to the club section on the website and join up for the next club period January, February, March 2023 ♥️ It is going to another amazing year of Art Journey inspirational fibres and yarn ♥️
Please let me know if you have any questions or requests! If you want to have a combination of any of the three clubs on offer : yarn and fibre and batt, I can manually do that for you and send you all the information and save you big time on shipping.

Have a fabulous weekend ♥️♥️

Big hugs

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